Mothers often do what they need to take their children to the supermarket. Go to the supermarket for shopping. Basically, there are no things that cannot be bought because of this advantage. Therefore, the supermarket also has disadvantages, that is, there are many people, the source of bacteria and the scope of infection are wide.
Due to the high frequency of use of shopping carts in most stores, cleaning and disinfection care, according to the date, 51% of the supermarket coil shopping basket mold detection rate can reach 69%, and 37% at the bottom of the trolley mold is open for shopping in supermarkets, and food can be transferred. So when choosing the best one, it is recommended to use a pack of disinfectant wipes for the supermarket, do not let children sit in the car, and do not put the cooked food on the bottom.
It is understood that there are currently two shopping carts in supermarkets. One is for children to sit in. One seat is not for children, but many shopping carts do not have seats, and there are often children standing or sitting. Some parents ask their children to take off their shoes and sit in your shopping cart. The children’s feet, legs and feet will not care, otherwise they will easily get stuck in the fence of the shopping cart. If they don’t care about dragging, they may hurt bones.