Many friends who buy casters have such a mentality. They all want to buy high-quality and cheap casters, but they often buy the most unsatisfactory ones. Jack Ma once said: “It’s not that there are many fakes on Taobao, it’s you too. Greedy. I want to buy a Rolex watch for tens of yuan, which is obviously unrealistic.” In real life, there are countless examples of this, so how can we find a breakthrough in the changing society of reality, then we need to conduct a professional analysis of casters, and consider whether this caster is suitable from a professional point of view.
Everyone knows that casters are well-known to support equipment and drive the movement of equipment. The importance of casters can be seen to be great, and its important, how to choose high-quality casters, the following is a professional analysis of caster universal caster selection skills:
1. Material of universal caster:
The material of the wheel should be carefully considered for the environmental factors of the work. First, consider the size of the road surface, obstacles, residues on the site (such as iron filings, grease), environmental conditions (such as high temperature, normal temperature or low temperature) and the location of the wheel. Different conditions such as the weight that can be carried determine the appropriate wheel material. For example: PU wheels, PP wheels, nylon wheels should be selected in acidic, greasy, or corrosive chemical environments, and rubber wheels should be avoided in corrosive environments.
2. Bearing weight:
In order to be able to calculate the required load-bearing capacity of various casters, it is necessary to know the weight of the transport equipment, the maximum load and the number of casters used. The required load-bearing capacity of a single wheel is calculated: T=(E+Z)/M×N, T=single The weight that the wheel needs to carry; E=the weight of the transportation equipment; Z=the maximum load; M=the number of casters used; N=safety factor (about 1.3-1.5).
3. The size of the wheel diameter:
Generally, the larger the diameter of the wheel, the easier it is to push, and the larger the load capacity is. At the same time, it is better to protect the ground from damage. The choice of wheel diameter should first consider the weight to be carried and the starting thrust of the truck under the load.
4. The material of universal caster is soft and hard:
In principle, hard tires are suitable for use on soft or smooth ground, while soft tires roll more flexibly on hard or rough surfaces, including most outdoor grounds. When choosing wheels, consider all special ground conditions: unevenness, sinks, thresholds, slats on the dock. The larger and softer the wheels are, the easier it is to roll on tracks or similar ground conditions. The soft wheels can also protect the ground from damage. Rubber wheels, especially high-modulus rubber wheels, will not produce noise and protect the ground to the greatest extent, while carbon steel wheels are the hardest. Under normal circumstances, PU wheels are a compromise choice, the ground protection level is moderate, and can bear heavier weight.